Hi all
For those that just await the newsletter to get updates from Outdoor People you might well have thought we’ve disappeared down a rabbit hole this summer… Whereas in fact we’ve just been at lots of festivals and planning lots of awesome stuff! Here’s some of our big news…
Announcing Outdoor People Shop at Netil Market!
Over the last eighteen months the numbers coming to our house to pick up kit or chat about their camping needs has slowly increased, as has the quantity of stock we need to keep so we’ve just taken the plunge and moved into Netil Market, opposite the Ann Tayler Children’s Centre, Eastside London Fields. A small container unit with plenty of space to join me for a cup of tea, and time to browse the shop in a more chilled atmosphere than at Broadway Market. There is plenty of space outdoors too to hold some workshops or just soak in the atmosphere. It’s a really friendly place, with a bike repair shop, a brewery, an opticians, a jerk chicken shack and on Saturdays and some Sundays a host of other stalls.

This will be a permanent base aiming to be open Wednesday – Sundays 11-5ish, though it will be a bit erratic at first. I’ll be there this Thursday and Friday, then next Wednesday onwards. You can always text (07813879179) or email to ask if we are open – and we can always open by appointment.
Do pop by to say hi – it does have some stuff in it now!
Directions here: Link
Launching Outdoor Families!
Thanks to a small grant from the School for Social Entrepreneurs and additional sponsorship from Vango Force Ten we will be soon be launching Outdoor Families!
This project will be taking families for their first camping experience in the spring, welcoming all families but specifically targeting those who otherwise wouldn’t have this opportunity. Keep your eye out to try out camps if you’d like to help test the kit and locations, and do let us know if you’d like to volunteer! The camps will all be Tuesday – Thursday and aimed at families with under 5s, but others will be welcome. Much more will be posted under our Projects pages soon…
Vango Force Ten Mk3 and a Bell Tent for Hire!
This summer we rented out tents to individuals, groups and directly at festivals. We raised just under £600 (after paying expenses) that will match fund the Outdoor Families programme – so huge thanks to all of you that used out tents, matts and sleeping bags!
Now we are adding brand new Vango Force Ten tents to our original ex-army Merdina Conquests, and we’ve a great range of sleeping bags and mats, as well as fairy lights, to make sure your camp is comfy cozy, and because Force Ten’s are designed to be super tough four season tents they are just as fantastic in January as July. So if you fancy New Years under canvas but don’t have the kit… get in touch and we can sort you out! Camping rental packages start at just £35, and include free advice on how to stay toasty and even where to go…
Seeking Outdoors Volunteer Team Member – Could it be you?
A great opportunity for someone looking for social enterprise experience, who loves outdoors kit, selling beautiful things to lovely folks and advising them on how to make getting outdoors easier. The post would be a proper internship, but as a tiny social enterprise unfortunately I just can’t afford minimum wage yet… but with your help we will be able to soon.
The post holder will be in charge of the Netil Market shop on a Saturday and spend another day increasing online sales… and get the chance to get involved with Outdoor Families and other projects. They’ll get training and support, expenses paid and support to develop their own projects should they wish. More information here.
New Kit – DD Hammocks, Deejo knives, new Klean Kanteen vacuum insulated classics…
Lot of new stuff, not on the online shop yet so scroll through Instagram to check out images, or come to Netil Market on Thursday or Friday, or Broadway Market on Saturday. Or contact us and I’ll send you a photo!
Have a great outdoors week, and if anyone knows how to use MailChimp and can swap me their skills do let me know!
Outdoor People